Lynnlee Victoria Hoppes was born prematurely at 22 weeks on January 22, 2023 at UAB. During her 19 days of life, she listened to her parents read books, pray, and sing worship songs. She and her parents were very blessed to have family and friends rally around them to provide items, food, and prayer during this time. However, not every family has that amount of support during those trying times, as some come to the hospital unexpectedly with nothing. We are asking for books to donate to the NICU families in memory of Lynnlee so other families can bond with their babies. The donations can be sent directly to me (Lynnlee’s mom) from the Amazon wishlist link below- or message me for the address if you would like to buy books another way! We will send a note along with each book, and deliver them to UAB in January to celebrate Lynnlee’s second birthday. Thank you for helping us honor her, and for supporting the families in the NICU! Please text 256-280-1658 with any questions!