Bag and Pray at Hidden Lake Elementary School

LOCATION 1975 Prevatt Road Dothan, Alabama 36301 DESCRIPTION

We will provide bags of non-perishable food for children with food insecurities at Hidden Lake. While there, we will pray for the school, the staff and administration, and the students. Drop off your non-perishable food items at church. We will collect those items now through 1/26/25. On Saturday, 2/1/25, we will assemble those items in gallon-sized bags and leave at Hidden Lake. You are also welcome to bring food items to Hidden Lake on the actual SERVE Day. Please ensure your donation is in individual serving containers. · Cereal Breakfast bars · Mac and Cheese (individual cups) · Noodles (individual containers) · Ravioli or Spaghetti (individual containers) · Fruit cups (individual containers) · Crackers · Vienna Sausage · Chips

Wheelchair Accessible
15-18, 19-22, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s+
TIME Start: 2/1/2025 9:30pm  End: 2/1/2025 9:30pm CATEGORY Community Outreach, Sorting/Assembly SKILL NEEDED Organizational SUPPLIES NEEDED Not Specified TOOLS NEEDED Not Specified 3 PEOPLE NEEDED