Elderly Lady Wheel Chair Ramp

LOCATION 936 South Cherrydale Circle Birmingham, Alabama 35071 DESCRIPTION

An elderly lady has to be carried out down steps to get out of her house 3 times a week by the fire department to have dialysis and then back in.

15-18, 19-22, 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s+
TIME Start: 6/26/2021 8:00am  End: 6/26/2021 3:00pm CATEGORY Landscaping, Minor Home Repairs, Outdoor, Skilled Construction SKILLS NEEDED Carpentry, Construction, Landscaping, Communication SUPPLIES NEEDED Nails, Screws, Landscape Supplies TOOLS NEEDED Hammer, Tape Measure, Screwdriver, Hand Saw, Miter Saw, Leaf Blower, Drill, Level, Sawhorse, Wheelbarrow, Nail Gun, Gloves, Rake, Shovel, Sledgehammer, Wrench 12 PEOPLE NEEDED